Pooled Trusts

Transferred to Pooled Trust Can Be Used to Save Assets For the past number of years there have been questions as to whether Medicaid transfer-of-assets penalties would apply to transfers to pooled trusts by individuals age 65 and older. A Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) memo dated April 14, 2008, from Gale Arden…

Online Legal Forms

Online Legal Forms Company Sued LegalZoom, one of the most prominent sellers of do-it-yourself wills and other estate planning documents, is the target of a class action lawsuit in California charging that the company engages in deceptive business practices and is practicing law without a license. The lawsuit was filed in Los Angeles Superior Court,…


Watch Out! From a Maryland perspective, Medical Assistance (i.e. Medicaid) only allows one gravesite per person to be exempt.  If there is a community spouse, then that community spouse is also only allowed to have one.  If there is more than one per person, it is a fully countable asset for Medicaid purposes and the…