Medical Expense Deduction

Recent Tax Court Decision Clarifies When Long-Term Care Expenses are Deductible There is no question that long-term care can be very expensive (both assisted living and nursing home level of care). However, many of these long-term care expenses can be deducted the parent’s income tax return as a medical expense deduction. A recent U.S. Tax Court…

Medicaid Asset Protection

Medicaid Asset Protection from Nursing Home Expenses One of the most often used techniques to protect assets for a single individual is the use of the “controlled gifting” technique. With this technique the higher the fixed income and lower the nursing home costs the greater the savings.  This technique involves controlled gifting and most likely the use of…

Medical Assistance Update

FIA Transmittal 11-26 The Department of Human Resources just released an update changing the document requirements for a Medical Assistance application.  The changes for what is required in the initial application is a profound change in terms of the financial statement documentation that is initially needed.  Instead of a full five years worth of documentation, what would be needed…