Elder Law Office Maryland. Estate Planning. Nursing Home Negligence. Asset Protection. Probate.
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Postal Service Delays Affect Court Filings and Medical Assistance Applications

In 2020, many of you undoubtedly noticed significant delays with the United States Postal Service. Our elder law office in Maryland also noticed that our mail was either slow to be received or, in some cases, appear not to have reached their final destination. While that may be a minor inconvenience for mailing bills, it…

Elder Law Office Maryland. Estate Planning. Nursing Home Negligence. Asset Protection. Probate.
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COVID-19 Pandemic and Essential Estate Planning Documents

Be Your Loved One’s Advocate During the Coronavirus Pandemic Having to be isolated and separated from a loved one, especially a parent or spouse that needs your assistance, can be both a frustrating and terrifying experience. Places of healing and safety such as nursing homes are now coming under significant strain. The most vulnerable amongst…